The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation® (FIRO®) is our most popular assessment.  Its a  theory of personality compatiblity developed by Will Schutz. FIRO® and FIRO-B® tool assesses an individual’s social needs and behaviors in three areas: Inclusion, Control, and Affection. According to the FIRO® , everyone has basic social needs for inclusion, control, and affection, and people behave in ways that satisfy these needs.**TestEts is an Official Licensed Provider of the FIRO® and FIRO-B® Assessments

  • Inclusion refers to the desire for social interaction and the need to be part of a group.
  • Control indicates the desire for power, control, and decision-making.
  • Affection is the need for personal relationships and affectionate interactions.
  • The FIRO® instrument provides scores in each of these three areas, which can be used to understand an individual’s social behavior and motivations.
  • Only Interpretative reports for FIRO or FIRO-B offer helpful suggestions and advice to improve your relating skills and for specific relationship situations, with colleagues, boss, subordinates, and peers.


The FIRO® is our most popular assessment because relationships matter and are everywhere in our lives.  Mastering our relating skills is critical to much of work and living life.  It is used in organizational and team development as well as in leadership and management training.   Counseling and therapy find it help people better understand their interpersonal relationships.